
Do you want to increase your arms  and biceps diameter? Do you want to know how to look hardened arms? If your answers are yes, look no further because this is your article. Biceps and triceps come into play in this express arm training plan in which, in four weeks, all the shirts will fit you well.

To offer you the best training that allows you to achieve your goals, we have spoken with personal, who has already collaborated with us on other occasions.

Biceps and Triceps Exercise
That the arm is made up of two main muscles, which are the biceps and triceps, several times, I have come across athletes who want to increase the volume of the arms and focus on training only the biceps. In these cases, I comment that the biceps occupy 1/3 part of the arm and the triceps 2/3. That is, if you want to increase the diameter of your arms, you should give the same priority to the triceps as to the biceps.

Since our objective is to increase muscle mass, we must train at high intensities with low repetition volumes. Therefore I recommend performing a series of 10 to 8 repetitions, reaching muscle failure in each row.

Breaks Between BICEPS AND TRICEPS workout Sessions
Another equally important point to achieve our goal is that we must respect the breaks between sessions. As the biceps and triceps are small muscles that are activated when we perform many joint exercises of the dorsal, chest, and three muscles, Hence we must maintain 48 hours of rest between strength training sessions for these muscles. If you want, you can do leg training between upper limb muscles and focused arms.

Another recommendation is not to perform the arms routine that I am going to present to you twice a week so as not to create an overload since you must work in a balanced way your body also stimulating the other muscles of the upper limb, which as I have commented previously They do activate the biceps and triceps.

The routine will have series resting between series and series for two minutes, to recover our muscles at the beginning of each line without having excessive accumulated fatigue. We will train the first two weeks at ten repetitions and the next two at eight repetitions each series. Above all, remember, if you want to have the desired results, it leads to muscle failure in each row but with a perfect technique to avoid injury.
